Calling has been slow so far this year. Coyote numbers are just down in my area, so it is what it is. And I haven’t been getting out as much as I normally do, either. Just too busy with family, home, work etc.
The slow calling hasn’t tamped down the fire in my belly to just get out there though! Numbers quit mattering much to me a long time ago. And this year, I’m finding that it really is true, I just like being out there. Next best thing to a great day of calling, is a bad day of calling, ha-ha!
So, anyway, just posting a few pics from last weekend. Got up real early Sat. morning and made a pretty long drive to where I mostly expected decent weather and figured I’d just take whatever I got for coyotes.

I got a coyote on my first stand, so the whole day was just sort of bonus time. Just lazing along watch the world go slowly by over the hood of the Jeep. I love days like this. Saw a few critters, too.

One thing I really like about hunting this kind of country is the sand makes reading sign easy. You always know what kind of animals and about how many are around. I did more driving than calling, only stopping to make stands where I was seeing some coyote track in the sand.
In late afternoon I picked up my second coyote for the day. She came charging in full blast to jackrabbit and wouldn’t stop or slow down. Luckily she was running almost straight at me and presented a pretty good target.

After picking up that second coyote, there was still a few hours of daylight remaining. But I had gotten up extra early and driven a long ways and was feeling pretty sleepy and pretty satisfied. So I stopped hunting early and made camp. Just cooked a steak and sat around enjoying the scenery and the good weather before going to bed early.

On Sunday morning, I just got up and headed out for home, only stopping to make two stands, which didn’t produce. But it was a glorious morning to be prowling the desert.

Love the stories, and the pictures. Thanks
Thanks Tyler!
Dave, I know what you mean been a slow year so far me me too. But like you killing Coyotes isn’t the main deal for me anymore either. I just love being out there calling and enjoying the beauty and quite. Definitely don’t get to get out as much as I like to though. Great write up. Good Hunting Bud
I hear ya Chad! And thanks for stopping by and dropping a note – appreciate it.
Hey Dave – it has been a while! All of your photos are great, but that picture of the Mule deer buck is outstanding! I’m “getting out” this weekend, deer hunting in the Sandhills of Nebraska.
Joe! Ain’t heard from you in a million years! Hope you and your ladies are all as wonderful as can be. And have a ball out in the Sandhills!
Hi Dave. You know me from the PM board. Through PM’s on that board we have talked about damned expensive shotgun loads and I have bugged you a lot about Jeeps. lol
I stop in here every now and then to catch up on your latest adventures. Always enjoy reading the stuff your “Coyote Stuff” site.
Thanks Bryan. Good to know you are stopping by once in awhile. Appreciate it!